2014年3月31日 星期一

網頁模版授權模式 - 以 ThemeForest 為例

我有時會接案幫客戶製作網站,不太瞭解版型的授權問題。ThemeForest 官網的 License FAQ 來回看了好幾次才摸出一點頭緒。 以下是我自己整理後的心得。(只把幾個比較相關的問與答挑出來。)

What do you mean by item and end product?

Example: The item is a business card template; the end product is the finalized business card. The item is a button graphic; the end product is an app using the button graphic in the app's interface.

解析:假設買了一個網站版型, item 指的是這個網站版型, end producd 指的是製作完成的網站。

I'm a freelancer. Can I use the item for an end product I'm doing for a client?
Yes. You're essentially buying the file on your client's behalf. Whether a regular or extended license is needed will depend on your client's use of the end product. With both the regular and extended license you are allowed to charge your client for creating the End Product. Once you transfer the end product to the client (eg giving them source files for the item), be sure to link your client to our licenses and delete the item itself from your computer.


Is my license transferable?
Generally, your license is not transferable. The exception is if you are a freelancer using the item for an end product for one client, or if you sell the single instance of an end product, such as a website installation. In those cases, point the client or buyer to the license terms and delete the item from your computer.

Example: You use a theme to create your website. Later, you sell that website to someone else. You are allowed to do this, but you then must delete the theme from your systems.


Which license do I need for an end product that is only accessible to paying users?
If the end users need to pay to see the end product, you need an extended license. There can be more than one end user as long as there is only one end product.
**Example:** A website that requires money before you can access the content


I am a commercial entity or run a business. Do I always need an extended license?
No, just using the item in a commercial setting doesn't necessarily mean you need an extended license. You need an extended license if the end product is sold to end users. If the end product is free, even if you are a commercial enterprise, you only need a regular license.

Example: Even though a web store is commercial, as long as users can access the site itself without having to pay, a regular license is sufficient.


Am I allowed to modify the item that I purchased?
Yes. You can customize our items to fit the needs of your end product.


6 則留言:

  1. Regular License 和Extended License 看了好幾遍~還不如看一遍這篇文章!讚

  2. 請問您有沒有使用過template monster模版的經驗?

  3. 你好 我想請問
    如果 模版 只有拿來 做展示用 既沒有會員也沒有線上訂單 這樣可以 使用 Regular License 嗎

  4. 大大你好
    如果我是為客戶提供勞力 幫客戶修改 買授權也是替客戶買 這樣是否也可以買 Regular License ???
